Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Havin a 'Pea Pickin' Good Time....

Well folks, it time to start reaping what we've sown! The peas are ready to be picked!! And there certainly are allot of them!

This is what you call back- breaking work!

Bringing you peas from the "Liv and Christiana foundation!"

Jonathan took this picture. He's learning from the best!!

We had many late nights of shelling the peas!!

People get reeeal strange as the night goes on........

"I like peas this much!"


Good eats

More of Jonathan's Art

Olivia, "The Pea Queen!"

After a hard day of back- breaking work, daddy treats us to Sonny's!

How hungry are ya?

After shelling bushel after bushel by hand, we were blessed with a pea sheller. Thank you Mr. Heath!!

Thomas was a little over loaded with the peas!! He's had enough!!

Praise the Lord for the rain!

Liv enjoying the outdoors, her favorite place to be.

And all the "pea pickers" say goodnight!!

posted by: Ariana


Kitty said...

Thank ya'll for the update. :) Yep-theres enough peas now in Polk County to supply us for quite awhile! :) :) Hehehehe--some of those pics were VERY funny! :) :)


Anonymous said...

Hello Pollocks,
From the entire Lain family, from Grandpa on down. We would like to say a BIG Thank You for the wonderful peas we were so blessed to pick. We had a wonderful family time over our 4 days at home. We wish we could have seen everyone maybe next time. We love you all and thanks again.
From us all,
The Lain's

Sarah said...

Fun pictures!! :)

The Pollock Family said...

Lain Family,

You are all welcome and I'm glad you were able to pick and enjoy some fresh peas!! Sorry we didn't get to see you either, but I'm sure you'll be back!! Glad you had a nice visit with your family. I'm sure they were thrilled to have that special time with you.

Love you all,
Tina and the Pea Pickin Pollocks

Bonnie said...

Well, you just can't imagine what a refreshing "taste" of home visiting this blog has been! The whirlwind zoom zoom of Washington has made us so thankful to live in Polk County! We have posted some trip pictures at Clearly Seen and hope to do more soon.

And not only has your blog post been refreshing, but we have some yummy peas in the freezer at home, thanks to the faithful Pea Pickin' Pollocks! Thanks, y'all.

The Frodges

R said...

El tu mucho beano de grande pea las pollocko familia pickey peas Si Senor I think.

LOL! Looks like y'all are having fun with the garden :). Wish we were still down there, but alas, I must be a mexi---- ahem, undocumented migrant resident of un-known legality ------ up here.

Miss y'all alot,


The Pollock Family said...

Senor Miller,

Dios es buen!!
nosotros perder usted tambi'en.
Yo veo usted pronto, I think!!

Glad to hear you had a great trip!!

Adios Amigos,
The Pollocko's

His Space said...

Those are some hard workin farmers let me tell ya ( : thanks for peas and i enjoyed the pics

peace in christ, julia