Howdy folks,
Well, the Pollocks are finally posting again!!!
There's been Lot's of Party's, Birthdays, Party's.....
So sit back and enjoy the many pictures!!!!
Happy Birthday Callie!!!
Our first party was Callie's 16th B-day tea!!!
The era was 1930-40's!!!
Markie and Abby having a grand time!!

Smile for the camera
The Lord blessed us with perfect weather!!!!
Christiana and Sarah enjoying each others company!!
Christiana, Mary, Rachel, Sarah and I.
Best friends!!!
Mamma and Mrs. Graves
Baby Emma and her party dress!!!!
Being silly in the kitchen after the party!!

And of course no party would be right with out a few games of VolleyBall!!!
On Friday we were invited to the Graves to celebrate Ben's 13th Birthday!!

Emmajane got bored with the conversation and decided to have some cake!!!!

The famous game that everyone loves!!!! Volleyball!!!!
Mr. Stricklen showing us his new ballet move.
"Do I have to eat all this cake?" "If you don't want it, I'll take it."
3 2 1 Blast off!!