Sunday, May 10, 2009

Great Balls of Green Stuff

Well, It's finally time for the Harvest of our garden
down by the lake. We had LOTS of Cabbage, broccoli and onions,
unfortunately there's not a whole lot of stuff to do with cabbage so we just made an
over abundance of sauerkraut and chow chow:)
(Are you impressed I can actually spell sauerkraut? It was momma. You know I can't spell German. I have a hard enough time with English:)

Li'l Mary the onion picker.

Mary and James had the job of picking all the oinions in the garden, ha ha.

(Ok, well Christiana helped a little:)

The hard workers, hardly working.

Guess What?...

Yep, another cabbage dweller (a Cottonmouth).
The joys of Living in Florida:)
EEEEE, I Love cabbage.
hi ho hi ho, the cabbage we will throw...
The way you pick cabbage when you're raised in an orange grove:)
I think that thing weighed about 100+ pounds when full:o

Don't forget to
count your many blessings.
All in a days work

Oh and while we were picking the garden the boys found a heifer that had just
had her first calf . She had had it in the swamp and the calf was stuck in the mud and couldn't get out, so, Cowgirls to the rescue;)

The pitiful little thing was covered in mud so we got it washed off and took it back to the momma,

unfortunately, it caught pneumonia and died a few days later.

Have a nice day!!

P.S. Ariana did help us too, but we didn't have any pictures of her cause she was behind the camera the whole time.

posted by:LIV:)

Brown Acres is The Place To Be

Well, it's that time again:) We've had our field plowed and ready since Feb.,

but because we have had a lack of moist droplits from the sky, we've been a bit delayed

with the planting:( We finally got a little rain but not enough to plant the whole thing

so we just planted the lower part of the field .

Daddy and James working on the tractor.

(The way we start all planting days:)
How bout that hat:

Fertilizing the dust of the earth so we can grow luscious.........


"Ok people, we aren't supposed to be growing Weeds here. We want Morsels for me mouth, "food". Well I guess we could eat weeds if we really got hungry enough, which we might have to do if we don't get some rain!

Here's lookin at you, kid.
ME!! Happy = tractor, dirt, planting, tractor, dirt......

Life is Good

Thank the Lord, We are SO blessed!!
The substance in which plants are brought forth.

Morsels for me mouth.

James, learning from the best farmer I know.

Off to "Cowboy NeverLand".
posted by:LIV:)