Here's a few Random pictures from the past month.

Mary Practicing the piano.
(Practice makes perfect)

Me having loads of fun teaching Mary:-D

Our Handy Dandy Helpful Sweet Mrs. Stokesies, multi-tasking:)
What would we do without her? ALLOT MORE!!

Our personal barber, puting Gabriel to sleep.
Aka:Cousin Kel

And her Audience/more customers:)
(Something is seriously funny)

Daddy & Leirbag making screens.

Johnny about to go canoeing.

Ariana Practicing for the nursing home.
The ACO Painting Co.

The Before Picture.
Sorry we never got an After pic, but it is now
a fishing room.
(And looks really good)

Self shot.

Opening another can of paint, obviously.

Our supervisor


Adding a little color.
Cleanin' out our Pool
As Summer time is drawing near,
We clean our pool with joyful Cheer:)
Florida = Hot
Hot = Lots of Sun
Lots of Sun = Dehydration
Dehydration = Lack of water
Lack of water = Drought
Drought = Summer
Summer = Swimming Pool?

Our job lies straight ahead:(

"Help! That waters

"Please Johnny, no"

She's conquered something ?!?
Daddy playing "Jenga" with James

Our trusty garden Fertilizer/Worm killer/mulch spreader (all over the place):)

El Abuelo Y La Abuela Pollo

Mary Playing with the Trains.

And the newest member of the Farm
Our Mouse/Lizard trap. Aka Bessy (cause Mary says she looks like a milk cow.)
Posted By: Christiana